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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Another look at our town

St Sulpice (Da Vinci Code)  & fountain
supper - magret du cannard - au St Sulpice nighbourhood
We are only a couple of weeks away from leaving Paris.  The time has flown - Rich hasn't gotten as much research done as he wanted- though has been sidetracked by many 'interesting' discussions, and Joan has not seen as many museums or wandered as many streets as she had assumed she would.  We did find some great jazz clubs, and have spent several evenings enjoying great music.  We have also found that we have had a wonderful time with friends who have put Paris on their agendas this fall.  This past week we had a visit from friends from Ontario who are also on Sabbatic for the fall - in Holland.   We are hoping to do a 'return visit' next June - when we can do some biking explorations.

hmmmm a lense issue - or is it just like home?
Note, by the way, the weather has not improved much, though did get slightly better while friends were here.  France seems to be in the same deep-freeze as Saskatchewan is experiencing.  Last week the trains and even buses were shut down one day while the snow came down - and stayed for several days.   The staying part is definitely something Parisiens are not used to.

By the way, seems we have not had many pictures of Richard, and in case people are wondering - he really is in Paris along with Joan.....just seems to want to control the camera much of the time.  Note the lovely red mitts ( thanks Lyn).  We may stand out -as fashion statements in our own rite ---- but we do have warm hands!

Richard - but in Paris or University Drive?

Sunset in Paris
 Back to the story - so with friends here - we headed up to Montmartre on a relatively clear day ...we have also not seen sun in almost a month.  We went to Sacre Coeur where you can get a fantastic view of the city on a clear day.

Sunset can even be pretty in Paris....and that tower seems to get into most pictures.

Sacre Coeur

shopping for meat at the Boucherie

oops - supper?
Note the selections in a boucherie on our walk down from Sacre Coeur - Good thing we had everything we needed back home.  The lapins - while cute in a pet store - didn't seem quite right in the butcher shop.  Ah welll-

A little night life



Yes - turns out Rich is here
Having visitors has been a wonderful way of making sure we get out and about in the city.....particularly for Richard.  This time, with Alphonse and Maureen here for a few days, we were able to re-explore Montmartre, the Latin Quarter, Notre Dame, and....we ran into Hotel de Ville ( city hall of sorts), complete with skating rink and a display of local talent from the civil service.  It really was great.      We made it to the Louvre - Rich's first visit this trip - and while Joan had been before she saw things she had not before.

Hotel de ville - with a skating rink
 No visitors seem to escape a visit to Shakespeare and Company - and here we are - coming downstairs from several of the reading rooms above.
We made it to les Invalides - Napoleon's tomb, and monument - It was an incredible building with frescoes on multiple ceilings.  It was also a good reminder of the tremendous contributions he made to 'democracy' as we know it today. 

Joan seems to be interested in the inlaid marble designs in the floor.  With a bathroom to finish at home, perhaps Richard can get a bit creative and Joan has the glass cutting tools from stained glass projects...hmmmmm

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Along with the great architecture, and marble sculptures that go on forever,   there was also a 'military church' - complete with trophies (flags) of conquered countries during various battles over the past centuries.  Apparently there were over a thousand, however most were burned prior to the Nazi invasion.  One hundred and four remain.  As well, there are war museums, and a vidoe tribute to de Galle.  We spent an hour listening to that - could have spent more.  It was good to put his 'vive Quebec libre' into the context of his life and fight for France.
'trophies' (flags) at les Invalides

And of course, we cannot leave Paris without a trip down the Seine.  We had hoped for warmer weather ( in fact, we had delayed the trip for almost two months waiting for 'seasonable norms'...but wrapped up in our ---- red mitts----and set out.   As luck would have it- the rain and snow had raised the level of the river by several metres - so the boat was unable to go nder the bridges by Notre Dame/Ille de cite, so the trip lost something, however....still well worth while.

 One more trip to the Arc de Triomphe on the Champs Elysses....and a farewell to another set of friends.  Now - with only two weeks to go, it is time to do some Christmas shopping....and that will really be an adventure if this typical ( and we  do mean typical...this is fashion central after all) window display is any indication.     
shopping will never be the same again

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